Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety- a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible future misfortune, danger, etc; worry (definition from dictionary.com)

I know you guys already know what anxiety is, however I wanted to highlight that this is fear of a FUTURE misfortune. This event that we are worried about hasn’t even happened yet! Still, we are controlled by this crippling fear of the “What If?”

I’m not going to lie and say that I am not prone to anxiety, because I absolutely am.

I had anxiety about the MCAT

About my First Year Classes

About my Second Year Classes

About STEP 1 and STEP 2

Currently, I am combatting anxiety about Match Day.


The problem with anxiety is that it absolutely shows a lack of trust in God. When we are anxious, we are saying, “God, you are unable to handle this situation that I am dealing with. It is out of your control and you are not strong enough to deal with this.”

When I found myself having anxiety about STEP 1, I was essentially saying, “God, although the bible says that the fear (respect) of you is the beginning of wisdom, and that you hold all knowledge, I don’t believe it. You are a liar, God. I am going to crash and burn and, well, fail because I can’t get this knowledge in my head.” I didn’t actually say that, but by showing so much unchecked anxiety about the upcoming exam, it was similar to saying these things.

Doesn’t that sound awful when I say it in that way?


Here are some things that I do to combat the anxiety that I will undoubtedly feel.

  1. Reread those things I said in the above paragraph by feeling anxiety. Remind yourself why this is absolutely necessary.
  2. Pray about this thing- seriously. Prayer is probably one of the most underutilized tools for this problem. The bible says – Do not worry about anything, instead pray about everything! How often do we pray when we get anxious? All it takes is a simple- “help me Lord” and faith to believe that he will.
  3. Combat those lies in your mind with the truth. I read this wonderful Beth Moore Book called Believing God. I don’t want to give away all the goodness of the book, but in it, Beth Moore encourages readers to use some practical tools to make sure that we are combatting the lies in our mind with the truth. I still use the principles in this book to this day when I am feeling anxious.
  4. Have some scriptural references handy when you find the devil prowling around you armed with anxiety. Here are just a couple that have really helped me with overcoming anxiety.


Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


I love writing verses on notecards and stuffing them into random places in my day. I have notecards in my white coat, my planners, my books, my car, everywhere. Helps with keeping your mind filled with the word of God! I hope these help you as they are helping me to overcome anxiety!


Love you guys!
