Why We Should Be Productive

I’ve been seeing a lot of books lately that are about getting things done. They have catchy titles and excellent intentions and real results. I know, because I have implemented a lot of the changes suggested in the books and honestly, these are the only nonfiction books I am even interested in. As the planner that I am, I really like putting systems in place to help me adjust to the crazy schedule that I am dealing with at any point in time.

Though I am excited about this productivity scene, but I wonder… to what end?

We are told by the world to

  1. Get the promotion
  2. Get the body
  3. Do the travel
  4. Save the money
  5. Build the brand

All for what?

I think that if we miss out on the why, then we are missing out on the point. From personal experience, what I think happens is that we get to the goal and we say: Now More.

The problem is that productivity for its own sake feels empty. You can be the most productive person in the world, achieve all your goals and dreams and still come out on the other side unsatisfied.

I have been there. It feels like once I have achieved something, I should feel the satisfaction I do when I close a finished book. Problem is that soon after, I’m looking for a book to make me feel just like that book just did. I’m looking for that next high.

I love the way that it is put in a book that I read some years ago- What’s Best Next. The point of being productive is not so we can just do more meaningless things. The point of productivity is so that we can show up for others and be able to reflect God in the way that we are productive. Being productive allows us to show up and love others in our lives.

Without the others part, our goal achieving feels like it is for no reason. We get the promotion to be able to help others in our new position. We workout so that we can have the energy to show up for our families and friends. We become more efficient at work so that we can do more for others.

I completely understand about traveling being for enriching the mind and the life, but how much better would it be to travel to be able to learn a language in order to connect with those in our communities who speak that language?

Don’t take this in a shaming way, I am prime offender for achievement for achievement’s sake (and I plan to make a post about this in the future).

I am trying to be better though because part of the reason for getting the body (or I should say, getting the muscles 💪🏿) is so that I can keep up with my small human who has energy for days. I want to be able to pick her up and put her on my hip without injuring myself. I want to show up for my family and have the energy to do what I need to do for my patients.

Anyway, I’m musing about these things because of the expanding productivity scene, which I am all for. I am consuming all of the ways to be productive by the gallon, but I want to make sure I’m keeping the fact that I’m doing this for others in mind.

Love you guys, do all the things,
